Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some random facts....

I came across some of these great ideas while living it up at work in the ER all weekend in my Real Simple magazine. The article is NEW USES for OLD THINGS.
Here are some of the ones that I liked
Ketchup bottle as a Pancake Batter Dispenser- Squeeze out perfect circles every time- clean and easy trick!! (I would probably remove the labels!)

Tea Strainer as Sugar Duster- Fill it up with some powdered sugar and tap onto your baked goods

Rubber Bands as Egg- Dyeing Aids- Arrage rubber bands in a pattern around hard- boiled eggs, then dip them into dye. Remove the bands when the eggs are dry... awesome
Lifesavers as Birthday- Candle Holders- Protect your perfectly frosted cake from dripped wax by inserting candles in the candy holes. (They say to look for the original rolls, the holes in the bagged versions are too large for most candles)
Tissue Box as Plastic- Bag Dispenser- Stash sacks in an empty tissue box for easy access when the bathroom trash can needs a liner

Check out some more ideas here. Do you have any new uses for old things???

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